BowBox - Registration and first use

With this tuttorial you will understand how to create an account on BowBox and use the sharing features offered. For more information about BowBox, read: BowBox - an original solution to share files! Connect to the BowBox: http://bowboe/. The interface is simple and and user friendly

You can create an account using a valid email address, your facebook account or a twitter account. Once you have created your account and sign-in to BowBox, here's what you shall get:

Just click on the CREATE YOUR FIRST BOX button

A dialog box opens at the top of the interface: Fill in your username, then click "Continue."

Check if you want to make this box public or not

In the upper left corner of the interface you will find the followin menu: text, photos, videos, music.

They allow you to add different type of content to your box. Once you have chosen your theme (background), added your pictures or videos and text/comments, click on the "Send" button.

There are 4 ways to share your box.


Send using email. Share over social networks (Tweet or send on Facebook). Share a link (url) for the box. Box Cross: send to a random user.

Example of a box shared on Facebook:

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